The film Ainda Estou Aqui, directed by Walter Salles, premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2024 and has received widespread acclaim. This adaptation is based on the poignant book by Marcelo Rubens Paiva, which narrates the struggles faced by a family during Brazil’s military dictatorship.
Synopsis of the Film
Ainda Estou Aqui follows Eunice, played by Fernanda Torres, who embarks on a decades-long quest for answers after her husband, Rubens Paiva, mysteriously disappears at the hands of the military. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of the 1970s, a turbulent period in Brazilian history.
Critical Reception and Awards
Since its release, the film has been described as “a love letter to Brazil” and “spectacular” by international critics. Fernanda Torres’s performance has garnered significant praise, and she recently received a special award from the Critics Choice Awards, marking her as a strong contender for the Oscar 2025.
Oscar 2025 Prospects
The film is positioned to compete for various categories at the Oscars, including Best International Feature. The producer, Rodrigo Teixeira, has expressed a commitment to promoting Torres as a seasoned actress with a rich career, which could enhance her chances for a nomination.